Important Sales Details:  Lily sizes refer to width and Lotus sizes refer to height.  •••  Potted lotus contain water and may not shipped, but you may pick them up at the nursery when they are in season, from April to July, or as long as they are in inventory.  •••  When Lotus Tubers and/or Lilies are seasonally unavailable you may pre-order them for prompt delivery as soon as they become available. Call or email for information about availability.  •••  All plants except Potted Lotus are shipped bare root.  •••  Marginals are shipped in the one gallon size.  •••  We ship using the fastest delivery service (not express) to your address.  •••  Please arrange to have your package delivered to an area not in direct sun as the plants will not take high temperatures.  •••  FOR INTERNATIONAL ORDERS PLEASE CONTACT US for information about additional shipping costs and plant inspection charges BEFORE you place an order.

Hot Pink
This lily earns its name with bright neon pink flowers.  Each flower is cup shaped with a yellow center and may contain as many as 50 petals.  The pads are green with purple mottling and a spread of 4-6 feet.  In 2009 this plant was named The Second Best Water Lily. Important:  When this item is currently unavailable, due to its seasonal nature, it may be pre-ordered in February and March for pick-up or delivery as soon as it becomes available, a date that will vary from year to year, ranging from March through May.  Please use our Contact page to arrange a phone call or an email exchange to discuss the item's availability this year. In Stock  2024  
$45.00 Select options
This plant is the only known dwarf tropical water lily. It was discovered in Madagascar and it is in our collector group. It is a species plant. The flowers are light pink with dark pink markings and produce many seeds. The green pads spread only 2 feet or less making it an ideal container garden plant. It will grow in sun or shade and bloom either above or below the water. The latter most often occurs under low light conditions. Important:  When this item is currently unavailable, due to its seasonal nature, it may be pre-ordered in February and March for pick-up or delivery as soon as it becomes available, a date that will vary from year to year, ranging from March through May.  Please use our Contact page to arrange a phone call or an email exchange to discuss the item's availability this year. Available  2024
$45.00 Select options
Nelumbo Deacon deGarmeaux (potted)
A lotus named in memory of a little boy. It has a classic look with large pink, single flowers and up to 20 inch diameter leaves. The flowers are held above the leaves. Creates large seed pods.   This item will be available from March through August or as long as the supply lasts.   Important: This item is only offered as "Picked Up" because it is a potted plant with water, unsuitable for shipment. Please use our Contact page to arrange a date and time to visit our nursery to pick up this item in person.  
$60.00 Order For Pick-Up
Nelumbo Deacon deGarmeaux (tuber)
A lotus named in memory of a little boy.  It has a classic look with large pink, single flowers and up to 20 inch diameter leaves.  The flowers are held above the leaves.  Creates large seed pods. These tubers must be kept refrigerated until over-night temperatures in your area are consistently at least 50° Fahrenheit. Do not let these tubers freeze. Important:  When this item is unavailable, due to its seasonal nature, from May of one year to March of the next year, it may be pre-ordered in February and March for delivery in mid to late March. When ordering this item we recommend using our Contact page to arrange a phone call or an email exchange to discuss the item's current availability.  Sold Out
$45.00 Buy product
Nelumbo Handsome Hero (tuber)
Handsome Hero produces 6-9 inch double pink flowers with multiple blooms.  The inner petals are erect while the lower petals droop giving a very full appearance. These tubers must be kept refrigerated until over-night temperatures in your area are consistently at least 50° Fahrenheit. Do not let these tubers freeze. Important:  When this item is unavailable, due to its seasonal nature, from May of one year to March of the next year, it may be pre-ordered in February and March for delivery in mid to late March. When ordering this item we recommend using our Contact page to arrange a phone call or an email exchange to discuss the item's current availability. SOLD OUT 
$45.00 Select options
Nelumbo Space Lotus 36 (tuber)
You can own a bit of space history with this lotus.  Ancestor seeds were sent into space to learn what happens in the absence of gravity.  The Chinese learned seed production increased.  This large lotus has many seeds and edible tubers.  The pink flowers are held high above the leaves. These tubers must be kept refrigerated until over-night temperatures in your area are consistently at least 50° Fahrenheit. Do not let these tubers freeze. Important:  When this item is unavailable, due to its seasonal nature, from May of one year to March of the next year, it may be pre-ordered in February and March for delivery in mid to late March. When ordering this item we recommend using our Contact page to arrange a phone call or an email exchange to discuss the item's current availability. Sold Out
$45.00 Select options
Peach Twist
Peach Twist is a unique water lily.  Large bright pink flowers with many petals surround a yellow center.  The green pads are splashed with maroon.  Medium size. Important:  When this item is currently unavailable, due to its seasonal nature, it may be pre-ordered in February and March for pick-up or delivery as soon as it becomes available, a date that will vary from year to year, ranging from March through May.  Please use our Contact page to arrange a phone call or an email exchange to discuss the item's availability this year. Out of Stock, 2024  
$45.00 Select options
Peppermint Splash
Peppermint Splash was new in 2023. The star shaped flowers have some petals that are pink with white splashes, other petals are white with pink to red splashes and others are solid dark pink with white splashes and a yellow center. Although the picture does not show all of the color variations, when you see all of the blooms on the plant, there will be all of the color combinations described.  There is a lot to look at with this plant. The leaves are green with maroon splashes. An unusual hybrid! Sold out, 2024
$45.00 Select options
Texas Shell Pink
Think conch shell coloring with this night blooming plant. Flowers are white with reddish purple and a little orange and yellow added for good measure. The 8 inch platter shaped flowers give off a cinnamon like fragrance. The pads are dark bronze color and spread 5-6 feet. Grow in full sun. Important:  When this item is currently unavailable, due to its seasonal nature, it may be pre-ordered in February and March for pick-up or delivery as soon as it becomes available, a date that will vary from year to year, ranging from March through May.  Please use our Contact page to arrange a phone call or an email exchange to discuss the item's availability this year. In Stock and Available May 8, 2024
$45.00 Select options